Happy Fourth Birthday to My Blog

Four More Years!
I can't believe I've kept this blog going for four years. Thank you to all who have supported me, shared my writing, and contributed ideas throughout these years. I couldn't have done this without you.

Taking it to the Next Level
I'm excited to announce that I've taken my writing to the next level and written a book. It is called, Hey Marketers, Get Your Priorities Straight. I'll be self-publishing the book within the next few weeks, so be sure to check it out when it comes out.

I'll be giving a TEDx talk at UIC on April 12th in which I outline a few of the basic ideas of my book. There will be a live stream of the event online and I'll post a link to it and the recorded video once I have them.

This Year's Posts
Looking back over the past year, I had five favorite posts. In case you missed them, here they are:
Add This To Your To-Do List
Enjoy my favorite five posts!

There's never a lack of ideas.


  1. Nick! That's so exciting! I can't wait to read your book! I'd like an autographed copy, please.

  2. Congrats, Nick! How exciting!

  3. Congrats Nick on taking it to the next level and always trying new things. It is inspiring! Good luck. -Scott B

  4. That's exciting news, Nick! I'll buy your book! Can't wait to read it! Good luck at UIC.


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