Pen Swap
A Closer Look The next time you’re out to eat at a restaurant and you pay with a credit card, take a look at the pen that you’re using to sign the receipt. Chances are that the pen does not have the restaurant’s logo on it. It’s probably emblazoned with the logo of a local business. And if you’re interested in the business that the pen is promoting, I think you should keep it. Just be sure to leave a replacement. Take a Pen, Leave a Pen I love the idea of a “pen swap.” Get some pens with your company’s logo on them and carry them around with you. Take a pen when its logo is something interesting to you or someone you know and leave one of your own in its place. This isn’t stealing. The person who left the pen would want you to have it if you’re interested in what its advertising. And likewise, you’d want someone to take your pen if he/she is interested in your business. What to Put on Your Pen To create the perfect pen for distribution, you need to include three things on the pen: You