New Balance Sees Pink

Good Idea
Back in March, I proposed the idea that shoe maker Christian Louboutin should create a limited edition pink-soled shoe (instead of his traditional red-soled shoes) to raise money for cancer research. (Read my original idea.) Unfortunately, representatives from Christian Louboutin said that they weren’t interested in my idea. (Read their response.)

Fast-Forward Four Months
For a limited time during the month of July, shoe maker New Balance has partnered with Susan G. Komen for the Cure to produce a pink running shoe to help raise money for breast cancer awareness. The shoes commemorate the 20 years that Komen has partnered with New Balance to fight breast cancer.

For 20 days in July, New Balance will sell 20 pairs of personalized pink shoes for $149.99 per pair. A personal message can be embroidered onto the tongue of the shoe. New Balance has set up a special website in which you may purchase the limited edition shoes:

A non-customized version of the shoe is also available for $139.99. New Balance will donate 15% of the proceeds from the sale of the shoes to Susan G. Komen for the Cure, with a guaranteed donation of at least $500,000 and a maximum donation of $1,000,000.

Thank You, New Balance
I think this is a great partnership and a great way to raise money for a worthy cause. I commend New Balance and Susan G. Komen for the Cure for forming such a great partnership. Congratulations, New Balance and Komen. Great idea!

Add This to Your To-Do List

The partnership between New Balance and Komen is a win-win situation. Komen raises money for breast cancer research and gains awareness for its cause because its supporters will be wearing their support for the foundation on their feet. New Balance earns money selling shoes and scores major publicity by supporting such a great cause.

What partnerships can your organization form that will create similar win-win situations? Maybe the local ice cream store should support a t-ball team with uniforms. Perhaps the nearby florist should donate its extra inventory to grieving families visiting cemeteries. Think of some creative partnerships that your business can form – you’ll support a great cause and earn good will for your brand.

There’s never a lack of ideas.

Thanks to Arezoo Miot for the tip.


  1. AnonymousJuly 15, 2009

    My only negative thought is this: Think of the 100's of thousands of women and children who walk for the cure...MOST of them could never afford these pink shoes....and I'd wager ALL of them would love to wear them! Perhaps New Balance can put out an inexpensive pair with a "Race" logo...they'd sure make a lot more money for themselves and for the cause!

  2. When I got the package from registering with the Komen 3-Day Breast Cancer/Get Started meeting1/30/10 my thoughts was "yes I would like a pair of New Balance tennis shoes in pink and to make it personal." However, when I went to the website and saw the price, I thought again, "These people are "nuts," in this economy!!! I did not ask to have cancer. My journey was not just the cancer but also the economy. I could not see paying $149.00 for a pair of walking shoes, that I am going to train and walk in August 6, 7, 8th 2010. Who do you think can afford this? What did the world do to deserve this, what did you say, "here, lets stick it to them." You should be ashame of yourselves.

  3. I would love a pair but I can't afford it. For years I whore NB but I can't afford them anymore. Sorry to say. All I wear is pink because I'm a proud survivor but money is money.

  4. I agree, I was really disapointed at the price. I am on my third battle with this disease, and I am joining the walk this year,... but it will not be in these shoes. It would have been nice to wear them, but not at that price. Sorry...

  5. very informative post thanks for sharing it
    I like it because I am shoes lover and I always
    like to read about shoes


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