The Rental Car Wrap

That's a Wrap Wrap Media Group has begun wrapping rental cars with advertisements in Atlanta, Georgia. I love this idea because it's filled with wins: People who rent the cars pay a reduced rate to drive the cars with ads. Advertisers gain great exposure in an exciting new way. Advertisers are able to include free samples of their product in the glove compartment of wrapped cars if they choose to do so. The most appealing part of this initiative from an adverting point of view is the amount of data Wrap Media Group could potentially offer its advertisers about the people driving the wrapped cars, providing a great way for brands to place samples of their products in the hands of their target market. Rental car companies know the age and sex of every car renter, in addition to the frequency in which someone rents a car, which could indicate business travel or leisure travel. Rental car companies also know the size of the rental car, which could indicate t...