IES Abroad: My Favorite Integrated Campaign (Part 4 of 4)
We've made it to the final post in this series about my favorite ads of all time. Part 1 was about print ads, part 2 was about TV ads, part 3 was about digital ads, and today is about my favorite integrated marketing campaign of all time. (When I say "integrated," I mean one idea that spans all forms of marketing communication.) Admittedly, I'm biased about this one because my favorite integrated campaign is actually one that I worked on. Part 4: My Favorite Integrated Marketing Campaign If you've read my book and/or watched my TEDx talk , it will come as no surprise to you that my favorite integrated marketing campaign is IES Abroad's "Your world [redefined]" campaign. In my last year working at IES Abroad, our marketing team created simple signs printed on standard white pieces paper that said, "_______ [redefined]" and sent them to our students around the world. We invited them to write in the blank space something in their