30-Day Cardio Challenge: Great Content Marketing (Part 3 of 3)

Great Content: Part Three Because great marketers know that one key to building lasting customer relationships is providing them with compelling content on a regular basis, I'm writing a three-part series on some of the best online content creators I've seen. In my first post I wrote about the wonderfully talented Amanda Blake and her daily postcard illustrations. In my second post , I wrote about Jeanne Haegele and her inspiring "Making Made" daily blog. In this final post, I'll introduce you to Ray Grayson, who is helping people all around the world lead healthier lives. Ray Grayson: "Mr. Shut Up and Train" Ray Grayson is a fitness trainer at Athletes and Entertainers in Motion (AEIM) in Atlanta, Georgia. He has a great list of celebrity and non-celebrity clients looking to improve their health and fitness. But one man can only reach so many people within his Atlanta facility. So Ray decided to extend his reach (and his personal brand) beyond t...