IMDB Meets Google Maps

Where Was that Filmed?
IMDB should use the Google Maps API to showcase the places movies were filmed or took place. It would be a great additional feature to the site and could even generate revenue for IMDB. Here's how:

What if, while looking at information about a specific move on IMDB, you could click to look at a Google map of the places in which that movie was filmed or took place? If the filming location is one that requires tickets to visit, like Alcatraz in San Francisco, the map could link to the location's ticketing website (see my mocked-up screen shot on the right). The location and IMDB could partner together in a profit sharing agreement for all ticket sales that come from IMDB's website.

This would be a great way for local businesses to earn foot and web traffic, too. Want to know where the end scene was filmed for The Fugitive? Oh, that was at the Hilton in Chicago — we should go check it out!

Add This To Your To-Do List

Are there ways in which you can integrate Google Maps into your website? For inspiration, check out how IES Abroad has used Google Maps in great ways. It's free to implement and could provide your site visitors with an enhanced user experience and may even drive revenue for your business.

There's never a lack of ideas.


  1. What?! Awesome idea. I want to someone to create that right now!

    Also, awesome IES Abroad feature :)


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